much of a book’s overall success depends on what happens in the weekS before and after its release. If you’re on this page, it’s because you share a passion for replacing bureaucracy with a better way of working. I’d be so grateful if you’d help me SPREAD THE WORD. here’s how…


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“The way we work is broken. But we can fix it. My friend @aarondignan wrote a playbook for replacing bureaucracy with autonomy, trust, and transparency. Check it out. http://bravenewwork.com

“The problem isn’t people. It’s our operating system—the way we work. If you’re fed up with silos, meetings to prepare for meetings, and red tape, check out @aarondignan’s new book! http://bravenewwork.com

“I just finished @aarondignan’s new book #BraveNewWork. If you’re a founder or team leader who is curious about the future of work, I highly recommend it. http://bravenewwork.com

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